Get In Touch
contact information
2720 Main St
Madera, PA 16661
Monday - Friday: 9 - 5
Additional Information
About US:
The Madera Volunteer Fire Company was established in 1922 and is located in the small town of Madera, Bigler Township, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania.
We provide primary fire and rescue services to the Townships of Bigler and Knox, along with primary rescue service to the Borough of Glen Hope and portions of the Townships of Beccaria, Boggs, Decatur, and Woodward. We also provide automatic aid with neighboring companies covering the Boroughs of Brisbin, Coalport, Glen Hope, Houtzdale, Irvona, Mahaffey, Newburg, New Washington, and Ramey, the Townships of Beccaria, Bell, Boggs, Chest, Decatur, Ferguson, Gulich, Jordan, Pike, and Woodward. All together, MVFC proudly provides service to nearly 2,000 people spread throughout 50 square miles within our own coverage area. Madera Volunteer Fire Company is 100% volunteer and our main source of income to keep the organization running are fundraisers that range from our weekly bingo on Thursday nights (year-round), Sunday bingos (October-May), to dinners, and our cash bash and ticket tournaments. We are a progressive organization with an ethos to provide excellent, professional service to all with a "Service above Self" attitude. If you are interested in joining (we're always looking for new members) as a firefighter or even as a social member, please contact the fire station at (814) 378-8744 or stop on any Thursday night at the station located at 2720 Main St., Madera, PA 16661