Website & Google Office Hours
Contact Connor Grieb for assistance in editing your department website page, updating your Google Business Profile, and more. This opportunity provides volunteers with personalized guidance and support, ensuring they are equipped to effectively promote initiatives and engage the community.
Video Trainings
Training plays a crucial role in Clearfield County's efforts to attract volunteers by equipping participants with essential skills and knowledge in effective marketing strategies. These sessions allow individuals to effectively promote volunteer opportunities, engage the community, and advocate for the county's initiatives.
How to Make Website Updates
This video walks through how to login, navigate and make updates to your page on the website.
Marketing at Community Events
This video covers the essentials of Marketing at Community Events and why it’s important for your fire department. We’ll discuss the different types of community events, key elements for optimizing your presence, and a helpful event planning checklist to keep you organized.
Planning Events
This video covers the essentials of Planning Your Own Events and why it’s important for your fire department. We’ll discuss different types of events you can plan, with examples tailored specifically for fire stations. You’ll also learn how to apply key elements of event optimization from our previous presentation, but this time, focused on your own events. Lastly, we’ll provide an overview of an event planning timeline with detailed checklists to help keep you on track.
How to Check if You Have a Google Business Profile
This video walks through how to check if you have a Google Business Profile in place and how to find your Google Business Profile account online.
How to Create and Set Up a Google Email Account.
This video walks though how to set up a Google email account. Here is the link to create a Google email account:
How to Log into Your Google Business Profile Account.
This video walks though the process of how to log into your Google Business Profile account.
How to Update and Share Access to Your Google Business Profile Account.
This video walks though how to update your Google Business Profile and share access with other gmail email accounts.
Events to Attract Volunteers
In this video, you’ll learn practical strategies to attract and engage volunteers for your fire department. From outreach tactics to highlighting benefits and creating engaging events, we’ll cover everything you need to successfully recruit and retain dedicated volunteers.
Social Media Overview.
This video covers the essentials of maximizing your fire department’s social media presence. We’ll discuss the several platforms that your team should be using, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more, with best practices for each platform. You’ll also learn how to increase community engagement and support recruitment efforts through social media.